Search Syntax boasts a dynamic search syntax, allowing you to modify categories, engines, languages, and more. Check out the preferences for a complete list of engines, categories, and languages.

! Select Engine and Category

Customize your search by using a ! prefix to specify category and/or engine names. For example:

Abbreviations for engines and languages are accepted. Engine/category modifiers are chainable and inclusive. E.g., !map !ddg !wp Night City searches the map category, DuckDuckGo, and Wikipedia for Night City.

: Select Language

Use a : prefix to filter by language. For example:

!!<bang> External Bangs supports external bangs from DuckDuckGo. Use the !! prefix for a direct jump to an external search page. For example:

Note that your search will be performed directly on the external engine; cannot protect your privacy in these cases.

!! Automatic Redirect

Mention !! within a search query (separated by spaces) to be automatically redirected to the first result, similar to DuckDuckGo’s “Feeling Lucky” feature. For example:

Keep in mind that the results may not be verified as trustworthy, and cannot ensure your privacy when using this feature. Use it at your own risk.

Special Queries

The preferences page lists keywords for special queries. Examples include:

Advanced Search Syntax provides additional syntax options to refine your search: