Search Syntax
monowi.re boasts a dynamic search syntax, allowing you to modify categories, engines, languages, and more. Check out the preferences for a complete list of engines, categories, and languages.
Select Engine and Category
Customize your search by using a !
prefix to specify category and/or engine names. For example:
Search Wikipedia for Night City:
Search in category map for Night City:
Image search:
Abbreviations for engines and languages are accepted. Engine/category modifiers are chainable and inclusive. E.g., !map !ddg !wp Night City searches the map category, DuckDuckGo, and Wikipedia for Night City.
Select Language
Use a :
prefix to filter by language. For example:
- Search Wikipedia in French:
External Bangs
monowi.re supports external bangs from DuckDuckGo. Use the !!
prefix for a direct jump to an external search page. For example:
- Directly search Wikipedia in French:
Note that your search will be performed directly on the external engine; monowi.re cannot protect your privacy in these cases.
Automatic Redirect
Mention !!
within a search query (separated by spaces) to be automatically redirected to the first result, similar to DuckDuckGo’s “Feeling Lucky” feature. For example:
- Search for a query and get redirected to the first result:
Keep in mind that the results may not be verified as trustworthy, and monowi.re cannot ensure your privacy when using this feature. Use it at your own risk.
Special Queries
The preferences page lists keywords for special queries. Examples include:
Generate a random UUID:
Find the average:
Show your browser’s user agent (needs activation):
Convert strings to different hash digests (needs activation):
Advanced Search Syntax
monowi.re provides additional syntax options to refine your search:
Excluding Words: Use a minus sign (
) before words to exclude them.- Example:
Night City -Johnny
- Example:
Exact Match: Use quotes to search for an exact phrase.
- Example:
"Johnny Silverhand"
- Example:
Wildcard Search: Use an asterisk (
) as a placeholder for any word or phrase.- Example:
Johnny * hand
- Example:
Group Words: Use parentheses to group terms or phrases.
- Example:
(Johnny OR Silverhand) AND Night City
- Example:
OR Searches: Use
to find results containing any specified terms.- Example:
Johnny OR Silverhand
- Example:
AND Searches: Use
to ensure results include all terms, though it is typically implicit.- Example:
Johnny AND Silverhand AND Night City
- Example:
Site Search: Use
to restrict your search to a specific site or domain. For instance, to search for content related to “cyber” on the site datakra.sh:- Example:
cyber site:datakra.sh
- Example:
File Type Search: Use
to search for specific types of files.- Example:
Cyberpunk 2020 filetype:pdf
- Example:
Title Search: Use
to search for pages with a specific word in the title.- Example:
intitle:"Night City"
- Example:
URL Search: Use
to search for pages with a specific word in the URL.- Example:
- Example: